Upgrade knowledge and skills
Increase productivity and profitability
Prepare for certification and earn continuing education units
Classes, and manuals developed and field-tested by industry experts in agriculture, turf and landscape, golf and business.
Basic to advanced levels
Books and other self-study resources, available in the IA’s online store.
A library of technical papers on cutting-edge research, technologies and practices, originally presented at the Innovations in Irrigation Conference. www.irrigation.org
Irrigation 101: Introduction To Irrigation and Sprinklers Course 1of Pro Irrigation Training’s “Irrigation 101” series. Learn all the basics of Irrigation. Free! Get real world skills that you’ll use frequently in the field; using a 5 gallon bucket test to measure flow, and measuring elevation change and slope percentage. https://www.udemy.com/introduction-to-irrigation-and-sprinkler-systems/
Irrigation 101: Piping Systems Learn all about using and repairing PVC, Polyethylene, Copper, Pex, and Galvanized Steel. This course covers the pipe and tubing systems used for irrigation. You will learn real world skills such as; how to glue PVC pipe, solder copper joints, install and repair polyethylene pipe, repair Pex and Galvanized Steel, use specialty fittings like unions, slip-fixes, push-to-fit fittings, and learn to read a friction loss chart. We’ll also drill down on details like; different thread types, the proper application of thread tape and pipe dope, and specialized tips that will make you more efficient and productive. https://www.udemy.com/irrigation-101-piping-systems/
Water-Wise Irrigation Design – Step-by-Step – Learn the basics of great irrigation design and get some helpful tips and tricks for installing your new system!
calculate flow rates, gallons per minute and available pressure using a simple flow gauge
determine your soil texture so you don’t over-water
use a pressure loss chart to size pvc pipe
lay out your sprinklers for optimum efficiency
calculate your sprinklers precipitation rates so you know how fast water is being applied
develop a simple watering schedule that best fits your soils and landscape https://www.udemy.com/irrigation-design-step-by-step/