Carbon Monoxide – Causes & Concerns The course objectives are:
1. Understand what carbon monoxide is.
2. Understand the health of effects of both short-term and long-term exposure.
3. Gain familiarity with the instruments available to measure carbon monoxide.
4. Understand what causes carbon monoxide to be generated.
5. Learn some possible remedies for eliminating carbon monoxide production.
Finding Major Air Leaks : Common areas of air leakage found in residential buildings. In many buildings, air leakage is the single greatest source of heat loss through the building envelope. Air leakage areas can be difficult to find, but they’re usually inexpensive to fix. Course covers where to look for major leakage areas and how to correctly seal leakage areas. Techniques to measure the post-improvement effectiveness of air-sealing work. South Middlesex Opportunity Council/Green Jobs Academy
Heating and Cooling Introduction lesson covers how the thermal envelope, HVAC systems and occupant behaviors affect the heating and cooling needs of buildings. One essential purpose of a building is to provide comfort. Buildings that don’t provide adequate comfort cause occupant dissatisfaction and reduced occupant productivity. Covers the following topics: Seasonal space-conditioning loads, How the building envelope affects heating-and-cooling loads, Cost-effective HVAC-efficiency strategies.
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Homeowner’s Handbook to Energy Efficiency A Guide to Big and Small Improvements is an indispensable guide to help you cut costs, and increase your home’s comfort, safety and value. FREE 40 page pdf preview
Roof and Attic Ventilation covers important strategies that keep roofs and attics properly ventilated. You’ll learn about climate-specific ventilation problems and the roof design features that eliminate issues caused by poor ventilation. Most attics and roofs require ventilation to protect a building from moisture damage and to cool the roof during the summer. Proper attic ventilation or roof ventilation also reduces heat gain in attic spaces.
Spray Foam Insulation covers the main spray-foam types, their installation methods, and compares spray-foam’s energy-performance to conventional insulation materials. Spray foam has advantages and disadvantages. Topics covered: How to identify the different types of spray-foam insulation, How to choose spray-foam for energy-efficiency characteristics, How to inspect for common spray-foam installation defects, How to recognize when spray-foam insulation isn’t the best choice for your building project.